Local youngsters who are neuro-divergent, including those with a learning disability or autism, have co-produced and starred in 5 powerful videos around the key challenges of moving from childhood into adulthood. 

Working with Reading charity, Starting Point & Realtime Film Company, the filming and production involved 20 young people aged between 14 – 25 years old, all keen to learn and manage the storyboarding, filming and editing process. 

The short films cover five fundamental themes. Click on the links below to view. Each video is between 8-12 minutes long and well worth a look!

The films are designed to give clinical support teams valuable insight to help improve the services they offer. The overall aim is to help health and care professionals and the general public better understand how transitioning to adulthood for this group can be particularly difficult, yet similar to others their age. 

Upcoming event

After the success of our last event, 'Perspectives' back in March, we are planning a new virtual event later on this year. This will be focused on the 'Community of Practice'. Details of how to book your free tickets, the date, and key note speakers will be added to this page in due course. 

View a recording from the March 'Perspectives' event here, plus information on presenters here.

At all our events, there will be break out facilities and staff at hand to support anyone who needs to leave during the conference. Please bring/wear whatever reduces anxiety e.g. ear defenders, tactile resources, sunflower lanyards, medication.
Let us know if you need help to attend or extra family or carer support. Contact: bobicb.ldanda@nhs.net