NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is the name given to a package of care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS for individuals who are not in hospital but have complex ongoing healthcare needs.

NHS continuing healthcare is provided over an extended period of time, to a person aged 18 or over, to meet significant and complex physical or mental health needs that have arisen as a result of disability, accident or illness. Care can be provided in a variety of different settings including care homes, hospices or an individual’s home.


Eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare funding is determined by a detailed assessment, which looks at all aspects of a person’s health and social care needs.  As part of this, four key areas are considered:

  • The type of condition or treatment required
  • The complexity of the condition (symptoms that interact and are therefore difficult to manage or control)
  • The intensity of the condition (one or more health needs so severe they require regular care and support)
  • The unpredictably of the condition (unexpected changes in condition that are difficult to manage and present a risk to the individual or to others)
  • Please see the following link for more details on the BOB NHS Continuing Healthcare Choice and Equity Policy.

Referral: I think I need an assessment

If someone needs to be assessed for NHS continuing healthcare, a referral should be made to the team. The referral form can be obtained from each Continuing Healthcare team (see the 'How To Apply' section above for details)


Checklist: Am I eligible for an assessment?

In order to identify whether an individual requires a full CHC assessment, a CHC checklist is undertaken. The checklist will be completed by a health or social care professional trained as part of their role. Trained professionals will identify which statement describes the level of need. To see the form, instructions and read more about the checklist, visit the Department of Health’s website.

CHC Assessment: The assessment

The holistic continuing healthcare assessment involves the patient, people caring for them, professionals and their family and/or representative. Friends, relatives and official advocates may also be present.  

Determination: Decision Making

Quality Assurance is undertaken by each place-based CHC Team. This is to ensure the assessment and recommended outcome are compliant with the National Framework and can therefore be ratified.


Appeal: Your right to recourse

If you are not happy with the decision or are concerned about the process followed, you have the right to appeal and request a review of the decision. 

Commissioning of Care: Planning your care

Individuals eligible for NHS funding, will be contacted by the CHC Team. We will work with you to identify the type of care that best meets your needs from organisations that are registered with the Care Quality Commission, and are able to demonstrate their ability to deliver satisfactory care standards. Your wishes and expectations of how and where the care is delivered should be documented and taken into account. 


Contact Details

Buckinghamshire CHC Team


Phone: 01189 822701

Email: bobicb.buckschcreferrals@nhs.net

By post: Buckinghamshire CHC Team
Saffron House
Second Floor
NHS Continuing Healthcare Team
Easton Street
High Wycombe
HP11 1NH


Oxfordshire Childrens CHC Team

Phone: 01189 822717

Email: bobicb.oxoncchc@nhs.net

By post: Oxfordshire Children's CHC Team
First Floor, Unipart House
Garsington Road


Oxfordshire Adults CHC Team


Phone: 01189 822708

Email: bobicb.oxonchcduty@nhs.net

By post: Oxfordshire Adult's CHC Team
First Floor, Unipart House
Garsington Road


Berkshire West CHC Team  

Phone: 0118 982 2900

Email: bobicb.berkswestchc@nhs.net

By post: NHS Berkshire West Continuing Healthcare
57-59 Bath Road
RG30 2BA

Information and advice service

NHS England recognises that information and support are vital to all individuals involved in the CHC process and so has funded an independent information and advice service through a social enterprise called Beacon. This service is supported by a consortium of leading voluntary sector organisations including Age UK, Parkinson’s UK and the Spinal Injuries Association.

Information and advice is accessible in the form of free and comprehensive written guidance, and individuals are also able to access up to 90 minutes of free advice with a trained NHS continuing healthcare adviser 0345 548 0300.

For further information and to access this service please see the Beacon website.