Dr Nick Broughton has been appointed the interim Chief Executive of NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB).

Nick, who joins the ICB in July, will bring a wealth of experience to the organisation. He has been in his role as Chief Executive at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust for three years. Previously, he was Chief Executive at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, where he led the organisation from a Care Quality Committee rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ in 2017 to ‘Good’ in January 2020. Nick is currently a member of the ICB board in his role as Mental Health Partner member.

As a consultant psychiatrist for more than 20 years specialising in forensic psychiatry, Nick has held medical and clinical director roles, and a variety of other managerial positions, including as Chief Executive of Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.  He obtained his medical degree from Cambridge and completed his training at St. Thomas’ Hospital, London.

Nick said of his interim appointment “I’m delighted to be taking up this role and am looking forward to working with colleagues old and new at BOB ICB. I have seen the commitment from all our system partner organisations and our wider stakeholders to work together to achieve real improvements in the delivery of health services and outcomes for the population we serve. I look forward to building on this good work and believe we can make our shared ambitions a reality."

Steve McManus, current interim Chief Executive at the BOB ICB, will be returning to his substantive role as Chief Executive at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust.

Sim Scavazza, Acting Chair of the BOB ICB said “I am delighted to welcome Nick in his new role as interim Chief Executive to the ICB; it is a real benefit to us that he already knows the BOB system, its challenges, and its strengths. I look forward to working with him as we help the system realise its full potential for the benefit of the people who live and work across our diverse area. The ICB has already laid solid foundations within the BOB wider system and we are looking forward to building on them with Nick.

“I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank Steve McManus who has led the organisation so expertly since September last year. It has been a challenging time as we have brought together three diverse clinical commissioning groups and established the ICB. He has led the implementation of an organisational restructure and started the recruitment of a permanent leadership team. He has also led the ICB in coordinating the development of the BOB Integrated Care Partnership which formally brings together our local authorities, our acute and community Trusts, our ambulance service, GPs and other primary care services such as dentists, pharmacies and optometrists, the voluntary sector and academic networks. We have agreed our system priorities to improve the care and lives of the people and communities we serve across our geography over the next five years. I look forward to working with Nick and continuing this work.”