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  • Episode one features a conversation with health and social care teams ahead of the busy winter period.


A new podcast has been launched by Oxfordshire County Council, offering residents a chance to hear the latest news from the council and its partners.

The pilot episode of Your Oxfordshire podcast is hosted by Victoria Baran, Oxfordshire County Council’s Deputy Director of Adult Social Care, and features guests from Oxfordshire’s health and social care teams. It offers a unique, behind the scenes look at how they’re preparing to keep residents safe and well this winter.

Victoria said: “Winter can be a really difficult time of year, when germs and bugs start to spread, and the weather makes everything a little more challenging.

“I wanted to share some of the great work that Oxfordshire’s health and social care teams are doing to look after us this winter, including some brand new services helping people to receive hospital level treatment at home.

“In the podcast, I’ve spoken with professionals from the county’s hospitals, ambulance service and mental health teams, as well as social services, getting the latest information about what differences you might come across this year helping people to stay well at home.

“And if the worst happens and a loved one does need to go to hospital, we’ve got some tips on how you might be able to help them to get home to continue their recovery.”

Your Oxfordshire podcast is now available to download here, as well as from the usual podcast platforms.

It complements the already established residents’ e-newsletter of the same name, which can be automatically emailed to residents by signing up. 

Councillor Neil Fawcett, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Community and Corporate Services, said: “We’re always looking for new ways to engage with the communities we serve in Oxfordshire. While we will continue with our more traditional ways of sharing information, we felt it was important to move with the times and trial even more accessible ways of keeping in touch with people.

“I hope listeners to the first episode are reassured about how Oxfordshire’s health and social care teams are working together to help support us all this winter, as well as getting some great tips about how to stay well and where to go for help should they need it.”