NHS prepares for industrial action in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West

Junior doctors are due to take further strike action from 7am on Thursday 27 June until 7am on Tuesday, 2 July 2024.

This industrial action is likely to have a significant impact on health services across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West.  

The NHS is working to prioritise resources to protect emergency treatment, critical care, neonatal care, maternity, and trauma, and ensure priority for patients who have waited the longest for elective care and cancer surgery. The NHS will only reschedule appointments and procedures where necessary and will rebook immediately, where possible. Unfortunately, these strikes will affect planned and routine services.

Patients who have a scheduled appointment should attend as planned unless they hear from the NHS directly that the appointment has been changed.

In the meantime, people can help by using 111 online https://111.nhs.uk/ or calling 111 to get the best service for their needs, ensuring prescriptions are up to date and looking out for vulnerable family and friends.

Dr Nick Broughton, interim Chief Executive of the NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB), said: "Emergencies, critical care, maternity, trauma and neonatal care safe staffing will be our absolute priority, and the NHS is working together across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West to ensure we are there for people when they need us.

"We're grateful to all our colleagues working during this time to keep services running and patients safe and we urge the public to be kind and treat all staff with respect."

Dr Rachael de Caux, Chief Medical Officer at BOB ICB, said: “Patients who need urgent medical care must continue to come forward as normal, especially in emergency and life-threatening cases - when someone is seriously ill or injured, or their life is at risk.

“We expect Emergency Departments to be very busy during strike action so it’s important people choose the most appropriate NHS Service for their needs, and only use 999 and A&E for serious or life threatening emergencies, such as chest pain, severe bleeding or breathing difficulties.

"GP practices are open as usual as are community pharmacies. NHS 111 online or by phone will help you get to the part of the NHS that can best respond to your needs. 111 can direct you to minor injury units, urgent treatment centres and arrange for doctors or other clinicians to speak to you if you need help or more urgent attention. It may take longer during this period to be seen and treated so we ask you to please be patient.”

Please remember:

1. Continue to access GPs as normal

2. Go to NHS 111 online or call to get the right service for your needs

3. Make sure your repeat prescriptions are up to date

4. Stay safe and look out for vulnerable family and friends

5. Keep appointments unless you are contacted by the NHS with alternative arrangements

6. Remember A&E is for emergencies and life-threatening situations.

The offer to have a spring COVID-19 booster will end soon.


As an election has been called for 4 July 2024 and we are in the pre-election period it has been agreed that the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Partnership (BOB ICP) meeting due to take place on 19 June 2024 will be cancelled.

As well as Covid-19 spring boosters, there are other routine vaccinations on offer this spring and summer, helping to protect you and your child.

With another bank holiday fast approaching on Monday 26 May, people across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West are being reminded some community pharmacies and all GP surgeries will be closed. 

The local NHS is urging people with asthma to use their preventer inhalers in the build-up and during thunderstorms to reduce the risk of their condition getting worse.

The next Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) meeting in public is being held on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

With another bank holiday fast approaching on Monday 6 May, people across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West are being reminded to order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time for the long weekend.

People at increased risk from severe illness can get the booster, including those aged 75 or over (on 30 June 2024), people with a weakened immune system, or who live in an older adult care home.

Patients and residents across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West are being urged to use the best NHS services for their needs as hospitals prepare for the busy Easter bank holiday weekend.

People are being reminded to order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time for the long weekend.