Many of you will have seen or heard of the recent acts of violence, intimidation and thuggery across the country in the last few days and will be as horrified as we are. BOB ICB condemns these behaviours and the racist attitudes which underpin them. 

The behaviour of a minority seeking to drive division and fear in our communities is not acceptable. Everyone should be able to go about their daily business and not feel threatened in any way.

Working in health and social care, we know how much the diversity of NHS staff reflects our communities and the people we care for and collectively we stand united against any form of racism, discrimination and abuse. We are proud of the diversity and multiculturalism across the whole of BOB and as a health and care system, we will not tolerate any form of racism, discrimination, Islamophobia and abuse.

Many of our staff may be feeling anxious and uneasy at this time and we would encourage us all to be kind, supportive and look out for each other.