Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Board (BOB ICB) is delighted that the Oxfordshire Place-Based Partnership has been shortlisted in the Health Service Journal Awards, recognising an outstanding contribution to local healthcare.

The two nominations are in the Place-based Partnership and Integrated Care Award category:

  • Working in partnership to create a whole system approach for physical activity in Oxfordshire which has brought together BOB ICB, Public Health, Oxfordshire’s district and city councils, Oxfordshire Active Partnership and the voluntary sector to jointly commission and deliver activity programmes which now reach more than 12,000 residents at highest risk of physical inactivity and health inequality.
  • Oxfordshire Health and Homelessness Inclusion Team which has brought together housing, health, care and voluntary organisations to support planned, safe discharges from hospital for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness - avoiding discharges to the street; increasing access to mainstream services in community settings - avoiding unnecessary hospital (re)admissions and reducing inequalities; preventing rough sleeping and homelessness.

Warmest congratulations on the nominations to everyone involved. The winners will be announced on 21 November 2024.