Our Constitution

The NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Boarc (BOB ICB) Constitution sets out the arrangements we have made to meet our responsibilities for commissioning care for our patients and the principles we will operate by with our partners. It describes the governing principles, rules and procedures that we operate by to ensure probity and accountability in the day-to-day running of NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West to ensure that decisions are made in an open and transparent way with the interests of our patients and clinicians central to our goals and ambitions.

There are a number of supporting governance arrangements and documents to the constitution which can be found below.

Governance Handbook

There are a number of supporting governance arrangements and documents to the constitution that are collectively known as the Governance Handbook. Links to these documents are below.

Terms of Reference - Place and System Development Committee

Terms of Reference - Audit and Risk Committee

Terms of Reference - People Committee 

Terms of Reference - Population Health and Patient Experience Committee

Terms of Reference - Remuneration Committee

Terms of Reference - System Productivity Committee

Functions and Decision Map

Scheme of Reservation and Delegation

Standing Financial Instructions

Managing Conflicts of Interests Policy

Standards of Business Conduct Policy

BOB GP Practices


Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

The BOB ICBs statement on modern slavery and human trafficking is available to view. 


Healthcare Professional Feedback

There are currently different arrangements for reporting Healthcare Professional Feedback across BOB; the purpose of this is to help identify and share quality concerns with providers and the ICB.


In Oxfordshire the process for feedback has recently changed. The Datix system is no longer used to provide feedback and clinicians should now use the BOB ICB Healthcare Professional Feedback Form and send directly to the relevant service. You can copy in the Healthcare Professional Feedback team at bobicb-ox.hcpfeedback@nhs.net with any information you would like the ICB to be aware of, or if you cannot contact the service directly.


In Buckinghamshire feedback can be given by completing this clinical concerns form and returning it to bobicb-bucks.patientsafety@nhs.net. More information about the process to report a concern is available here.

Berkshire West

In Berkshire West feedback can be provided by email as follows:

For concerns relating to RBFT gpliaison.rbft@nhs.net
For concerns relating to BHFT patientsafetyadmin@berkshire.nhs.uk
For concerns relating to SCAS (999 or 111) scas.patientexperience@nhs.net
For concerns relating to SCAS (PTS) scas.berkshireptsfeedback@nhs.net