NHS Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) works with health service providers and a range of other local partner organisations in the counties we cover to ensure that all vulnerable/at risk adult and children are protected.

Everyone in the UK has the fundamental right to live free from harm and abuse. We are responsible for ensuring all of the services we commission are safe and effective. We ensure that safeguarding is everyone’s business by working closely with many different people and organisations in Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West.

Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB Safeguarding Team works on behalf of NHS Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (ICB) to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk of abuse and neglect. Amongst other functions, the key roles of the Safeguarding Team include:

  • Working in partnership with local authorities, police, district councils and other local organisations to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk of abuse or neglect
  • Advising and support the ICB in the execution of their statutory safeguarding duty
  • Providing advice and support to Primary Care regarding safeguarding concerns
  • Ensuring that organisations from which the ICB commission services provide robust assurance that their service(s) safeguard children, young people and adults at risk of abuse or neglect

If you require any urgent advice on safeguarding, please contact the local authority for your post code area.

See the safeguarding and LAC annual report for the most up to date developments and figures in safeguarding across BOB.

BOB Safeguarding Policies

Modern Slavery

As both a local leader in commissioning health care services for the population of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West and as an employer, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (ICB) provides the following statement in respect of our commitment to, and efforts in, preventing slavery and human trafficking practices in the supply chain and employment practices.

Safeguarding Buckinghamshire

Safeguarding Adults First Response Team: Tel: 01296 383204 Email: ascfirstresponse@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

Online Portal for Professionals: https://adultsportal.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/web/portal/pages/home

Safeguarding Children First Response Team: Tel: 01296 383962 (Monday to Thursday 9am to 5.30pm, Friday 9am to 5pm). Or if you need an urgent response outside of these hours, call the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on: 0800 999 7677


Safeguarding Oxfordshire

Adult and Children Safeguarding teams can be contacted via the Oxfordshire County Council’s Customer Service Centre on Tel: 0345 050 7666 who will signpost necessary calls to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) for children and the Safeguarding Adults team for adults at risk.

Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team – 0800 833408

Domestic Abuse

  • If you are being affected by domestic abuse or stalking and harrassment you can contact the ODAS helpline on 0800 731 0055 (10am - 7pm, Monday to Friday) or email das@a2dominion.co.uk
  • If you are being affected by sexual violence or abuse you can contact the OSARCC helpline on 0800 783 6294 (Monday & Thursday 6.30pm-9pm, Sunday 6pm-8.30pm) or email support@osarcc.org.uk
  • If you are being affected by so-called 'honour based' abuse or forced marriage, or are worried about somebody that is, you can contact the Karma Nirvana helpline on 0800 5999 247 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday) or email info@karmanirvana.org.uk
  • To report a crime or incident of abuse call 999 in an emergency for urgent action, or for a non-emergency call the Police on 101.

Safeguarding Berkshire West

Children Safeguarding Teams

  • Reading Borough Council Tel: 0118 9373641
  • Wokingham Borough Council Tel: 01189088002
  • West Berkshire Borough Council Tel: 01635 503190

Emergency Duty Team: 01344 551999 or edt@bracknell-forest.gov.uk

Adult Safeguarding Teams

  • Reading Borough Council Tel: 0118 937 3747 / 01344 786 543 (Out of Hours) (Professionals line - 0118 9376550)
  • West Berkshire Council Tel: 01635 519056/ 01344 351999 (Out of Hours)
  • Wokingham Borough Council Tel: 0118 974 6371/ 01344 351999 (Out of Hours)
    (subject to change)

Domestic Abuse

  • Thames Valley Police: 101 for non-urgent calls, 999 in an emergency (for all three areas)


West Berkshire


  • Cranstoun (Wokingham Domestic Abuse Service): 0118 402 1921 Domestic Abuse Service: Tel: 0118 402 1921
    Integrated domestic abuse service in Wokingham supporting victims and children and delivering programmes that tackle perpetrator behaviour (supporting all genders). Tel: 0118 402 1921 (24 hours). For an online referral visit: www.cranstoun.org/dass

Other services

  • The Rose Clinic (Female Genital Mutilation Service) at the John Radcliffe for referrals: Email: oxfordrose.clinic@nhs.net or Tel: 07767 671406
  • Information can be offered and support provide through the Rose Community OAC (oxfordagainstcutting.org)
  • The Rose Centre (Female Genital Mutilation) Providing support and advice: 0118 951 0279
  • Reading and Berkshire Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre ‘Trust House’ specialist support services for people affected by rape and sexual abuse in Berkshire Tel: 0118 958 4033
  • Kaleidoscopic
    Survivor led peer-based support for children and adults who have been exposed to domestic abuse, working across the Thames Valley www.kaleidoscopic.uk 
  • Support U 
    Support for members of the LGBT+ community affected by domestic abuse and / or sexual violence. Tel: 0118 321 0111 (10am-7pm, Monday to Friday) or via the online contact form.
  • SAFE! 
    Supporting anyone aged 8-25 years living in the Thames Valley who has been hurt by crime. Including anyone bullied at school, sexually assaulted or abused, witness to domestic abuse, mugged or physically assaulted, abused by cyber crime, or a victim of any other crime. Tel: 0800 133 7938
  • FLAG DV 
    Offering free legal advice from a family law solicitor. Tel: 0800 731 0055 (10am-7pm, Monday to Friday)
  • Thames Valley SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) - Bicester and Slough
    Providing local communities with a safe, discreet and caring environment to support victims of rape and sexual assault. Tel: 0300 130 3036
  • Victims First
    Dedicated to making sure that all victims and witnesses receive the support they need to cope and recover from the impact of crime. Tel: 0300 1234 148
If you have a concern or would like further information, please follow the appropriate links below to the local safeguarding boards and partnerships where you can find information and interagency procedures:


Adult safeguarding 
Children safeguarding 


Adult safeguarding
Children safeguarding

Berkshire West

Adult safeguarding
Children safeguarding 

Within the BOB ICB the safeguarding teams can be contacted, based on their place area, using the following secure emails and a response provided within two working days:

Buckinghamshire: bobicb-bucks.safeguarding@nhs.net
Oxfordshire: bobicb-ox.safeguardinglac@nhs.net 
Berkshire West: bobicb-bw.safeguarding@nhs.net